Problem Solving

Problem Solving
There are many approaches to solving problems and Nigel Thurlow is a leading expert in cross disciplinary methods and approaches. Problems are differentiated by their type and context. Problems that are from an ordered and linear system, such as managed work, can be resolved using a reducible technique. The most famous of these approaches is Toyota’s A3 Problem Solving approach. Thurlow was trained in this approach by Toyota and is an expert trainer is this approach.
Toyota Business Practices (A3 Problem Solving)
Toyota’s A3 Problem Solving is a technique developed by Toyota and is known internally as Toyota Business Practices (TBP) as well as Practical Problem Solving (PPS), the latter being more common in Europe. It is an 8-step process that enables practitioners to follow a logical and methodical approach.
TBP is foundational training for all Toyota team members and should be for any of your team members involved in creating value.